How to Pack and Protect Your Area Rugs When Moving
Moving takes a great deal of time, effort and patience. You need hours upon hours of planning and must pack all of your items in a way that protects them. However, certain things can be challenging when you can’t simply pack them safely into a box. Your area rugs are definitely in that category.
Due to their value, whether you spent a lot of money on them or if they were handed down to you as a precious family heirloom, it’s important to know how to pack and protect them for your move properly.
1. Clean Them First
The first thing you will want to do prior to packing your rugs is to clean them. Run your vacuum cleaner over the entirety of each area rug to pick up any loose debris, dirt, and dust. Afterward, you might want to go a step further and tackle any stains that may be present by spot-cleaning them with a rag and cleanser.
If you have any rugs that are very old, fragile or valuable, you might want to have them professionally cleaned.

2. Roll Them
Rolling up a rug isn’t as simple as it seems. You have to follow a certain process to ensure that they remain in the best condition. Improper rolling can result in warps in your rugs that can be permanent. Only use a flat surface for rolling your rugs and smooth out any bumps or creases.
You might want to have help from another person while performing this task. Additionally, you should only roll your rug with the soft part facing outward.
3. Tie Them
After properly rolling your rugs, secure them to prevent them from unrolling during the move. Most professional moving companies, like, suggest using movers’ wrap to secure each end of the rug and prevent it from unrolling. Moving plastic wrap sticks to itself, but not the rug, so it won’t cause your rug to snare. If you don’t have professional-grade plastic wrap at your disposal, you can use rope or twine instead.
4. Cover Them
Before you store your area rugs into the moving truck, you must take ample time to cover them. This simultaneously protects and keeps them clean. You can use either a blanket or a canvas cover if you are moving long distance and need your rugs to go into storage.
If you do store any rugs, they should be kept in temperatures ranging between 40 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit in a place that is well ventilated. However, if you are merely doing a local move, you can simply use a plastic cover.
You should avoid plastic if your move will take some time because some weather conditions can lead to condensation inside, which can damage your rugs.
5. Unroll Them
Once you have arrived at your new home, you should quickly unroll your rugs. Doing this as soon as possible gives them a better chance of being able to lay flat. However, if the corners don’t lie flat and curl up, you can use double-sided tape to keep them down. Or, temporarily set something heavy on the corners, like a stack of books, to train the corners flush with the floor.

Following these steps will ensure that your area rugs will stay well protected for your move. They will look just as good as new when you arrive at your new destination as well.